Sunday, 10 March 2013

Uncle Paul shoot with D800 and natural/ indoor light

1. The great thing about Paul, is his expressions and i feel that this
image is the strongest from the shoot as it shows a part of his personality,
which ultimately i feel is very important when photographing portraits. maybe
try this image in b and w? the expression may look more dramatic!

2. Looking back i needed to light the beard more and have more
of my concentration there. its a shame his eyes are shut here. Would
of connected viewers more. 

3. He is an avid smoker. Therefore wanted to show this, however
slightly blurred the image. i think that this would look better in b and w.

4. AGAIN this yellow light! need to stop going back to it! this
image is too much like an every day image that anyone could take.
Nothing special about it!


I think that a couple of the images from this shoot would benefit greatly from being in black and white. Therefore this is what i will sample next! Need to consider my concept more and what i want! need to start to see myself as a professional and start producing work that shows/ says that i am!

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