Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Matt Harris

LOVE! even though the above image is a black and white shot. you can still see that he is ginger, with his freckles. The detail is incredible! This is the type of portraits that i would like to produce. using large format, so that you can reallly see the detail. the eyes telll alot... should make sure that they are relaly in focus in my work.

I reallly don't think that i could falter this image! the focus is perfect and the emotion that is shown in this young boys face, complements the feel/ style of the image. 

the eyes are the doorways to a person. They are what show emotions, expressions and are what ultimately will portray how a person feels. Therefore when photographing portraits i should be concentrating on the focus of the eyes and what they are saying. The eyes are what will draw the viewer in and keep them captivated. This is something that Roversi did so well throughout his work. 

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