Monday, 11 March 2013

so what am i thinking??

up to date i feel that my research was at its strongest when i began this project. i feel that i need to include a lot more research and look into more photographers. i feel my shoots need more variety and hopefully i will achieve this through my next shoots. i need to book the studio and experiment in there as well as hoping to use the large format camera.
i need to start to think more about what i WANT and what i am looking to achieve. how do i envisage these images looking? the hair flicking with Andrea i feel was successful. unfortunately she isn't ginger but i do hope to recreate this with a shoot with someone who is.
Martina - being very photogenic/ natural in front of the camera. i feel this shoot was the most successful to date. however i need to re shoot her. i think in the studio and instead of the bland expression across the images.. look to get more from her like Roversi captures in his portraits.
With Daisy i was looking more at vivid colors and how this would work. it's very different from other work that i have done, however i feel that these images showcase the type of person she is.
Also VARIATION.... is good!

uncle paul was an interesting shoot... he has so much character.. however because of the light at the time it was very difficult to photograph him.

I have a lot i still need to do and i still feel that the main substance of work is missing from my project at the moment. I think in the comning weeks i just need to constantly be shooting and most importantly concentrate on getting feedback on what i am doing!!
not long now.... FINAL PUSH!!

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