Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Beyond perfection -

Dave Alexander, graduated in 2012 from the university of Lancashire.

His portfolio is largely focused on fashion and portraiture:
 "i've always had a passion for portraiture and aspects of identity and representation within a subject"

Its clear that a lot of thought has gone into this image. The alignment is just right, it is perfectly in
focus and the colours seem to complement the image perfectly. You can tell that the photographer
has care in his work. This is something i feel is lacking from my own work! 

He is influenced by:

  • Gregory Crewdson
  • Nadav Kandar 
  • Mitch Jenkins
  • Julia Fullerton- Batten 
they "combine a technical, polished aesthetic with great concepts and thought- provoking imagery" 

I think that it is just through lots of practice and trying out new ideas which will help me to get to the stage where i am confident and have a style that suits me! Just need to find this and i find that i am still all over the place and trying to find who i am and what my style is! 

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