Wednesday, 6 March 2013

I collect gingers

By South African photographer Anthea pokroy:

500 portraits of gingers ( interesting concept, however I feel that the images have no depth/ feeling to them. use of flash and white background and white clothing creates a very boring repetitive image) 
same pose.... could of been more interesting if she had them doing different expressions and shot in different ways??

"as a ginger myself, what initially struck me was the beautiful, romantic colour palette of a ginger person and all it connotes "

obscurities of racial classification:
if people discriminate on the basis of skin colour, is it ridiculous to consider that would on the basis of hair colour?
Coming from a south african context - which historically has been obsessed by skin colour. in this work she suggests an ironic alternative to generic and pigment based racial profiling. groups that people are prejudice against.

rare hair colour
rare skin colour
rare eye colour

ginger gene = recessive gene

gingers = 2% of the population

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