Thursday, 21 March 2013

shoot with Martina - this time in the studio!

1. i like that this is just showing the hair and hiding the face/ her identity. however you can slightly see the chair by the left hand side of her body and this looks tacky! 

2. this is a bit lifeless. It doesn't really engage with the viewer or tell us much about the subject pictured. Which i think is vital in producing a great image! 

not sure if this works with the jeans in the image,.....

i like this idea of her being upside down... can't decide if it works??

having her top half nude... accentuates the hair colour against the pale skin. the contrast between the hair and the pale skin is more poignant.  However - after feedback from Jim and with Clare Hewitt in agreement - because of the size of her breasts, this image is slightly  provocative and perhaps could make some men feel uneasy.... Therefore should steer away from this type of pose (hair over breasts)


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