Friday, 8 March 2013

Daisy (shoot) using D800 and indoor light.

After looking at the work 'root ginger' by Jenny Wicks. It made me consider that perhaps i should try step outside of my comfort zone and shoot in a completely different style and see what i thought. 







I think that from looking at the thumbnails here. It is clear that i am not taking a enough pride and thinking enough about my images. I don't even know where to begin in talking about this shoot. I knew from the start that the lighting was wrong - yet i continued and the outcome is shocking. The yellow light Never works and because the lighting is so shocking, the focus and overall look of the images just doesn't look or feel right. A lot of post production work was involved in producing the above images which i have singled out. images 1 - 5. This included colour enhancing and changing levels/ brightness and contrast.
The overall feel of these images is that they are heavily enhanced and while this may suit some photographers styles, i feel that with mine it just doesn't work and i feel that the images look fairly empyt as a result. Similar to how i found the images in the project ' i collect gingers"

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