Sunday, 24 March 2013

Image selection up to date!

I decided to go through the work that i had produced so far in this project and decide on which images i think have been my most successful and why! ( most importantly reflecting on why!!!!)

I tried this idea out with a fair few people and i guess continued to as i wanted to get the 'right' image! For me,  this is a blast of colour! and although displays nothing of this girls face is still showing part of her identity through her hair colour. The hair colour is the most prominent thing about this image and for this lady, she told me that her hair colour was one of the things that had constructed her identity and built her as a person. having gone through some years of bullying and coming through that, to know being confident in who she is. She is proud of her hair colour and i feel that this image demonstrates that story well! 

The framing of this image - having the girl to the left of the frame - i feel makes this a visually pleasing image. The use of black and white makes this a lot more dramtic and suits the tonal range. Using this gradient also allowed me to really make the freckles stand out even more. As a result allowing the viewer to realise that altho not in colour - that this girl had red hair. just need to remove bra strap mark!  

I think that these two images work well together. In the left hand image her identity is hidden. In contrast to the image on the right hand side - where we are presented full frame with who she is. There is a softness in this image, through the use of natural light which i think compliments her soft expression well. Because of the image on the left, we are aware of the colour of her hair - and the contrast in colour to her light pink lips creates a playfulness

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Very clean and sharp image. her central position in the image means that all focus is on her.  If you look at her long enough she almost makes you feel uneasy. Staring right at you, and it seems like she is going to say something, but is holding it in. The plain white background i think makes this image very striking and visually pleasing. 

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