Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Paolo Roversi

How he worked:

use of tonal range within blac and white is inspiring here! the facial features reallly stand out and draw the viewer in! face is the focal view! 

body language shows that there is a shyness about her....  And the way she is looking so directly into the lens reveals some kind of hesitation. Almost as if she is scared/ unsure. 
  • he liked to share his images. pinning them to a board. 
  • he would make a selection only after leaving them at least a day. 
IMPORTANT to get feedback on work, "let them sleep"

  • Lens open at highest stop
  • "when the exposure is very long, the picture of the subject is much more intense"
  • "if you take an image with a flash, for me it's empty. theres an emptiness in the presence of the person"
  • photography is "drawing with light"
  • he used natural light, or darkness, with a hand held light to highlight specific areas. 

"..... is about a mood, a spirit or an attitude that the model is interpreting, but the image is a portrait of the fantasy we create together" 


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