Monday, 6 May 2013

Important when using large format

  • make sure that the camera is even.... using a spirit level
  • where possible, try and do a test shot. develop first so that you can check the exposure. 
  • Focus = obviously is really key, so need to ensure that focus is precise for each shot. Model needs to stay VERY still! 
For my shoot 
i was using a green filter. This is something i tried and tested before hand. The green filter when used with black and white film, accentuates the freckles on someone. This is what i wanted!

Using green filter 
means that it acts as one stop. therefore with the lighting and when doing light metor readings. this has to be taken into considertation. When Frank and i were doing light meter readings, we ensured that we compensated for this. 

The film i was using was HP5 400

therefore with light meter readings, i was measuring at an ISO of 200. Which then gave us the meter reading we needed. 

I ended up reviewing this all with Angus and he spoke through everything with me and did light meter readings and ended up shooting with:
 an aperture of 22 and a quarter with a shutter speed of 60. 

Throughout this shoot, i checked that the light was correct, however found that i didn't need to alter anything. 
THANKFULLY after developing i was presented with what look like strong images! Just need to scan them in now!  

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