Sunday, 21 April 2013

shoot with Ryan

very successful shoot i feel. i am thinking i may have an image for end of year exhibition... maybe one??? 

1. different angle of framing then what i have done previously. The detail on the strains on each hair and the colour against the freckles i feel makes this a strong image. Blown up i feel the detail would take this image far. a tad yellow so would need to just adjust this in photoshop. Nick disagrees and doesn't love this!

2.  need to ask others for feedback on this as i can't make my mind up. not sure if this image says enough on its own...  looking at it more, i think that its not a punchy enough image. quite bland and i don't think enough is said through his eyes. 

3. the freckles and detail in the eyes. in this capture i tried to consider 'whats beyond the frame' in this image as the viewer you question what he is looking at so intently. 

4. similar to above. the freckles are so clear and sharp in these images and therfore i feel gives them strength. would love to see these images blown up. or in black and white!






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