I think that it is important to look back to the old procedure of photography, and that there is something to be learned. The thing that is most striking looking back to imagery made with these cameras, is that they seem to capture and portray stillness and silence. Two very powerful things to portray in an image.
Perhaps this is why i find a connection with this kind of work. The longer shutter speeds means more of your sitter is being shown and there has to be stillness in the sitter.
I can't remember who said this but i remember reading somewhere that the most important thing about written text is what got left out.
I suppose a similar statement could be said about photographs. The zone between what is included in an image and what gets left out. this is shown and defined by the edges/ frame of the image.
I think that within an image this can be a very exciting thing. What's beyond the frame???
i need to consider how i will frame my images... VERY IMPORTANT! what do i want to show!? what do i want to leave out? what is outside the frame and what is included?
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