Thursday, 28 February 2013

About this project

A brief description about this project:

In previous projects portraiture has always been a strong subject throughout. This is where my interest primarily lies. I am very interested in people and their behavior. What makes each person different from the next and what makes him or her similar – this is what I looked at in my ‘twins’ project.
People’s complexity really interests me and I find it interesting that when photographing people this is something you start to look into in order to photograph not just their physical self but also part of their personality. I find genres of people fascinating. For instance looking at twins in my previous body of work. The stereotype that twins are put into and the pre notions that comes with being a twin. After considering that this is what interests me I started to consider other genres and this is when I though of ginger/ red haired people.

Coming from a family of gingers on my Dad’s side, it has always been a genre discussed. Ginger hair is the rarest natural hair color, which makes this topic even more interesting to me. Through this body of work I want to explore the various shades between ginger and red hair. The pale skin and freckles is also something, which I would like to explore and perhaps look at showing through close-up portraits.
I am very interested in looking at using natural light where possible when photographing, however I am planning on using the studio a bit – particular when collaborating with a girl in fashion who has just completed a fashion line specifically for people with ginger hair. 

Time to start!

For a while, a blog is something that I have been wanting to start. A place to share what I am working on and my thoughts behind what I am doing. So here it goes.....

I want this to be a place where i can share my ideas and what i am reading, exhibitions i am visiting and reviews. I want to share how what i am looking at and reviewing is feeding into the work i am producing